If you are an entrepreneur looking to start a business in Maine, you’ve come to the right place. Starting a new business can be overwhelming. Maine Small Business Development Center is here to help.
Browse our helpful online resources.
Our helpful resource section to the right is full of information for aspiring entrepreneurs and new small businesses. This information includes a helpful Startup Checklist, Guide to Starting a Business in Maine, FAQs, business plan guide and financial templates, and so much more.
Attend a live or online workshop.
Maine SBDC offers both live and online seminars. Topics range from the fundamentals of starting and owning a business to more complex business issues. View the list of workshops.
Meet with one of our experienced business advisors at no-cost.
Need some help? That’s what the SBDC is here for. Let’s get you connected to a certified business advisor in your area who can answer your specific questions. Business advising is free, confidential, and available virtually. We are here to support and help you as you launch your new business.
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