Business Advisors

Dion Olmstead

Profile Picture of Dion Olmstead

Business Advisor

Maine SBDC at the University of Southern Maine

Location: Auburn
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Territory: Androscoggin, Oxford & Franklin Counties

Email: Dion Olmstead

Maine SBDC Business Advisor Since 2024

Advising Specialties: Financial Analysis, Marketing, Start-ups, Agriculture/Natural Resources Businesses, Trade-Based Businesses

Education: B.A. in Human Ecology & Environmental Design, College of the Atlantic; Graduate Certificate in Business, University of Maine; Current MBA Candidate with a concentration in Food Technology Industry Management, University of Maine

Professional Background: Dion has a diverse background in farming and construction. He owned and operated a dairy farm and managed a family woodlot business. He also owned a construction company specializing in the high-efficiency restoration of historic Maine buildings, with successful projects in residential, commercial, military, and municipal sectors. Most recently, Dion worked for New Ventures/University of Maine, where he advised and taught business classes to startup entrepreneurs.