Is your worker a contractor or employee? By: Diana Grandoni, Maine SBDC Graduate Assistant The important differences between these two roles might surprise you. Specific standards determine if your worker is legally an independent contractor or an employee of your business, and it’s up to the business owner to make sure these relationships are… Read more »
Posts By: Jennifer Boutin
Hiring & Managing Your First Employees

Hiring and Managing Your First Employees By: Diana Grandoni, Maine SBDC Graduate Assistant Making the first new additions to your team is an exciting milestone and a sign that your hard work is paying off! For many small business owners, hiring can also be overwhelming and stressful. These four tips will help you make the… Read more »
Maine SBDC’s Business Plan Guide
Writing a business plan is an important step in starting or expanding any business. A business plan provides an essential roadmap for your business that outlines goals and provides details on how you plan to achieve these goals. It is also a great tool in communicating your business’ potential to investors and financial institutions. We’ve developed… Read more »
True North Beauty – Milo, Maine
Heather reached out to Maine SBDC Business Advisor Ann McAlhany in late 2018 for assistance in developing her business plan, creating financial projections and guidance on marketing her products. The pair have worked together extensively over the last year to obtain several rounds of technology-based funding from Maine Technology Institute for her unique Chaga Infused Formula process.
Bub ‘n Muthas – Winter Harbor, Maine

Ever since he can remember, John Fuhrman’s “mutha” had a real knack for cooking. In DownEast Maine, her kitchen skills were almost legendary. One day, after tinkering around with spices in the kitchen, “mutha” developed a special blend of spices that needed to be shared. The blend combined a Maine attitude with local ingredients such… Read more »
Science Dogs of New England – Ellsworth, Maine

Lindsay Ware has a passion for wildlife and conservation. That is why she started Science Dogs of New England. This new business creates opportunities and solutions for conservation and environmental research in New England using highly trained dogs for efficient, low-impact data collection and conservation processes.
Grasshopper Academy – Houlton, Maine

Lacey made the decision to leave her business partnership and go out solely on her own. She wanted to purchase this existing daycare and keep the doors open. She turned to Josh Nadeau, Maine SBDC business advisor located at Northern Maine Development Commission.
Six Last-Minute Ideas for Small Business Saturday
Small Business Saturday helps promote Maine communities and the businesses that make them special. It’s a great day to highlight your business and show how much you appreciate your customers. It provides a unique opportunity for small businesses throughout Maine to increase holiday sales. Use Small Business Saturday to generate sales, foot traffic and visibility… Read more »
Freckle Salvage Company – Winthrop, Maine
This business owner had been selling her products online and decided it was time to expand her business. For assistance, she reached out to the Maine SBDC.
Getting Noticed as a Small Fish
There are many low or no-budget actions that can be taken to generate awareness, optimize service, and keep customers coming back.