You have an idea and want to start a business. Starting a business is challenging – there are many things to think about, decide upon and do. At the Maine SBDC one of the most frequent requests we get is for assistance with starting a business. Our goal is to make sure you are on… Read more »
Posts By: Jennifer Boutin
Maine Small Business Development Centers announce record year for client success in securing capital
It was a record year for Maine small businesses securing capital to start and grow their companies in 2016, according to a recently released annual report compiled by the Maine Small Business Development Centers (Maine SBDC).
February 2017 Newsletter – Record year for Maine SBDC clients accessing capital, the Best of the IRS Website and more!
Record Year for Client Success in Securing Capital * Hiding in Plain Site – The IRS Website * Meet an Advisor * Meet a Partner * Upcoming Events
Maine Startups Insider: Founder Forum – Joel Alex of Blue Ox Malthouse
Maine SBDC client Joel Alex and his business Blue Ox Malthouse featured in Maine Startup Insider! The other thing that emboldened me to pursue this and decline graduate school was that I had come across Top Gun, I had come across the Maine SBDC. Because in November 2012 when I made the decision to pursue… Read more »
Hiding in Plain Sight – The IRS Website
The IRS has taken great strides to keep the website updated. They offer an Interactive Tax Assistant for Questions, detailed PDF publications on topics, and videos for free. While it is true that the materials are written to answer general situations or questions, often this is enough for the client to feel comfortable in understanding more of their own situation.
January 2017 Newsletter – New future for family business, Growing in 2017, and more!
View our full January 2017 Newsletter (PDF download) In this update: Helping weave new future for family business * Growing in 2017: Time for a Marketing Plan * Meet an Advisor * Meet a Partner * Trade Show Seminar
Client Highlight: Maine BayCycle
With idea in hand, he needed financing in order to purchase the boat, and bring it to Maine. For this he sought out the assistance of Maine SBDC Business Advisor Peter Harriman. Together the pair worked to create a realistic business plan and projected financials. They worked on his narrative, timeline, marketing plan and the many aspects required to launch this unique business – hoping for a summer 2016 launch, the peak tourist season in Portland.
Client Highlight: Izzy’s Cheesecake │ Portland, ME
David “Izzy” Izenstatt, founder of Izzy’s Cheesecakes, has been making high quality, hand crafted cheesecakes since 1985. Made in small batches, the company makes 37 flavors of cheesecakes include gluten-free and seasonal options. When Izenstatt’s business partner Jim Chamoff came into the Maine SBDC, he was looking to expand the business. He wanted to start… Read more »
Client Highlight: CrossFit Bangor │ Bangor, ME
Melinda Metten does it all. A firefighter at the Bangor Fire Department and a boom operator in the United States Air National Guard, Metten opened CrossFit Bangor in June 2011. It wasn’t long before CrossFit Bangor’s reputation spread and membership increased, putting her at capacity in her current location. She had begun turning away business because to add new members would negatively impact the quality of service to the existing members.
Client Highlight: Tulu Salon & Spa
Terra Olson worked for a high end salon and spa in Portland for years, but knew that there were other opportunities out there. One opportunity she noted was the lack of a high end salon south of Portland. She went to the Maine SBDC office in Saco and met with Business Advisor Steve Lovejoy. That… Read more »