Select your status: NEW, FIRST TIME PPP LOAN SECOND DRAW PPP LOAN IMPORTANT UPDATES & CHANGES – March 4th Updated: 3/29/2021
Select your status: NEW, FIRST TIME PPP LOAN SECOND DRAW PPP LOAN IMPORTANT UPDATES & CHANGES – March 4th Updated: 3/29/2021
Prior to the pandemic, there were very few grant options available for small businesses. When the Covid pandemic was declared a national disaster, multiple rounds of federal and state grant funds were available to cover certain losses for existing businesses. Grant programs available for Covid-relief purposes are generally only available to those who can demonstrate pandemic-related loss… Read more »
Lucas Roldan Rozas first came to a business advisor, Alison Lane, for help starting his own CrossFit business but was quickly discouraged by the significant costs involved with starting from scratch. Alison urged him to keep his eyes open for opportunities, since “crazy things can happen.” Within a week, a great opportunity presented itself when… Read more »
By: Business Advisor Peter Harriman Nothing is as confusing as when a newly rolled out program experiences the growing pains of change. Many business owners had just become comfortable with the 8-week PPP Covered Period when suddenly they were confronted with an unexpected twist – 24 weeks?
By: Brad Swanson, Business Advisor For many small businesses, 2020 was a year that started with promise and great potential for continued growth and success. As we reflect on the year, it is very easy to get caught up in thoughts about the world health crisis that swept into our lives in March. In particular,… Read more »
By: Jennifer Boutin, Maine SBDC Maine would not be the same without the small businesses that make our communities unique, or without the hardworking business owners who create jobs for our families, friends and neighbors. Small businesses are the core of our economy, making up over 99% of businesses in Maine. And, these small businesses… Read more »
By: Maine SBDC Business Advisor Alison Lane As we close the year with the same uncertainty that plagued our Spring, Summer, and Fall, small business owners hope to capitalize on the season that is “merry and bright”. However, changes to consumer behavior, recovering markets, and the scars from many rough months make the success of… Read more »
The Long Shot Revival Homestead, in Orland, is a family farm owned and run by Joe and Haley Brown. Joe is an Army National Guard veteran and initially thought farming and raising pigs would be a good therapeutic outlet as he transitioned back to civilian life. Starting off with just a few piglets, Maine SBDC… Read more »
By: Christina Oddleifson, Maine SBDC Business Advisor Covid 19 has made it more important than ever for small businesses to have up to date information about their financial performance. If the Covid 19 pandemic has taught us anything, it’s that small businesses with up to date and accurate financial information have fared better than those… Read more »
One program, two forgiveness application forms. Which form is right for your business? Where do you find the forms? How do you fill out the applications properly? Maine SBDC has created walk-through videos to help small businesses understand the Paycheck Protection Program Forgiveness Applications. This is a three-part series that first helps business owners identify which… Read more »
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