Posts Tagged: Raynor Large

Literacy Tech Inc. DBA ReMo – Lewiston, Maine

Michelle DeBlois and Kathryn Lariviere, both full-time middle school teachers, tri-founded LiteracyTech, Inc. with Peter Janett, a web application developer in December 2019.  Their vision was to create a web-based application that would bring educators and students together in the independent reading process. The app, which they named ReMo, streamlines the cumbersome and obsolete data… Read more »

Cape Whoopies, Maine’s Gourmet Whoopie Pie – South Portland, Maine

  Marcia Wiggins founded Cape Whoopies, Maine’s Gourmet Whoopie Pie in 2012. Located in South Portland, Maine, Cape Whoopies offers gourmet, unique whoopie pies that feature ingredients from all over the globe, such as chocolate from the Netherlands and vanilla from Madagascar. Cape Whoopies has seen explosive growth, outgrowing their space multiple times.