Posts Tagged: Success Story

The Mustard Seed Bookstore – Bath, Maine

  Six years ago, Julie and Mike Shea approached Maine SBDC with a dream. They wanted to purchase a small bookstore in downtown Bath. They reached out to Brad Swanson, a business advisor at the Maine SBDC at CEI, for assistance in developing a business plan and financing proposal. Julie and Mike worked diligently with… Read more »

C.W. Hunt Photography – Ellsworth, Maine

Charles Hunt has always had a passion and natural talent for photography. When he decided he wanted to make it his career, Charles worked through the Vocational Rehabilitation program to get connected with  Shannon Byers, a business advisor with the Maine SBDC hosted at CEI. Charles, who has autism, was determined to start his own… Read more »

Illuminated Me – South Portland, Maine

Jewelry created with resin dipped spicej

Sharon has accessed assistance from several business development resources in Maine along her entrepreneurial journey. She turned to SBA partners CEI’s Women’s Business Center and the Maine SBDC at the University of Southern Maine for guidance on her business plan and marketing strategy.

Dandelion Catering – Yarmouth, Maine

For ten years, Dandelion Catering has been providing fresh, quality prepared food that celebrates the local resources that Maine and New England have to offer. The business had experienced a surge in growth due to their focus on top-shelf service and creative, attractive food offerings. Business owners Christian and Christine Hayes had big plans to… Read more »

Bub ‘n Muthas – Winter Harbor, Maine

Several bottles of rub on a tree

Ever since he can remember, John Fuhrman’s “mutha” had a real knack for cooking. In DownEast Maine, her kitchen skills were almost legendary. One day, after tinkering around with spices in the kitchen, “mutha” developed a special blend of spices that needed to be shared. The blend combined a Maine attitude with local ingredients such… Read more »

Science Dogs of New England – Ellsworth, Maine

Logo, Science Dogs of New England

Lindsay Ware has a passion for wildlife and conservation. That is why she started Science Dogs of New England. This new business creates opportunities and solutions for conservation and environmental research in New England using highly trained dogs for efficient, low-impact data collection and conservation processes.

Grasshopper Academy – Houlton, Maine

Happy baby, Grasshopper Academy

Lacey made the decision to leave her business partnership and go out solely on her own. She wanted to purchase this existing daycare and keep the doors open. She turned to Josh Nadeau, Maine SBDC business advisor located at Northern Maine Development Commission.

Purple Shed Woodworks LLC – Portland, Maine

After losing their father to cancer in 2016, Renée Ledoux began to question her career choice as an emergency room nurse. Jason Ledoux began to question his career path after spending time working a desk job, quickly realizing pushing papers was not for him. Neither felt passionate about their career paths and wanted more. One… Read more »

Swanson Consulting & Associates – Trenton, ME

Terri Swanson has successfully held several professional roles over her career. In March 2018, she decided it was time to fulfill her dream and utilize her experience in a new way. With a passion for helping people, she started her own Human Resources consulting business, Swanson Consulting & Associates. Terri was in the beginning stages… Read more »