Posts Tagged: Success Story

Client Highlight: Izzy’s Cheesecake │ Portland, ME

David “Izzy” Izenstatt, founder of Izzy’s Cheesecakes, has been making high quality, hand crafted cheesecakes since 1985. Made in small batches, the company makes 37 flavors of cheesecakes include gluten-free and seasonal options. When Izenstatt’s business partner Jim Chamoff came into the Maine SBDC, he was looking to expand the business. He wanted to start… Read more »

Client Highlight: CrossFit Bangor │ Bangor, ME

Melinda Metten does it all. A firefighter at the Bangor Fire Department and a boom operator in the United States Air National Guard, Metten opened CrossFit Bangor in June 2011. It wasn’t long before CrossFit Bangor’s reputation spread and membership increased, putting her at capacity in her current location. She had begun turning away business because to add new members would negatively impact the quality of service to the existing members.

Client Highlight: Tulu Salon & Spa

Terra Olson worked for a high end salon and spa in Portland for years, but knew that there were other opportunities out there.  One opportunity she noted was the lack of a high end salon south of Portland.  She went to the Maine SBDC office in Saco and met with Business Advisor Steve Lovejoy.  That… Read more »

Client Highlight: XPress Copy – Portland

In July 2016, Todd Kent came into see Maine SBDC Business Advisor Steve Lovejoy looking to purchase XPress Copy, an independent printing and copying shop in Portland that’s been in business since 1978. When the current owner decided to retire, he turned to Kent to take over and purchase the business. Kent had been an employee for over 25 years and had been managing the business.

Client Highlight: Verona Wine and Design

When Colleen and Michael Gross of Verona Island originally came to see Business Advisor Betty Egner, they had owned their business, Verona Wine and Design, for two years. Already successful in their current format, an online business selling items made from repurposed wine barrels, they wanted to expand on their love for wine and wine-inspired items – they wanted to open a retail wine shop and a wine and tapas bar on Main Street in Bucksport.

Business Highlight: The Local Variety – Bucksport

The Local Variety is located in the heart of downtown Bucksport, a former mill town with new energy and life. When the current owners decided to put the business up for sale, Jessica Carter jumped at the opportunity to own this downtown café in the town that she loves. Although she had little experience in the restaurant industry, she had a vision for the store and sought out Maine SBDC Business Advisor Betty Egner for help turning that dream into reality.

Business Highlight: Halcyon Yarn – Bath

Halcyon Yarn, a yarn and fiber art retail and catalogue store located in Bath, has been in business for over 45 years, serving the needs of weavers, knitters, spinners and other fiber artists. When the founder Halcyon Blake decided it was time to retire, her daughter Gretchen Jaeger sought to buy the business and keep it in the family.

MaineBiz: Buyer of Portage Lakeside Cabins converting seasonal business into four-season resort

PORTAGE LAKE — An Aroostook County native and former marine said her purchase of Portage Lakeside Cabins, not far from her childhood stomping grounds, fulfills her longtime dream for a business while allowing her to raise her children in a region she loves. In a transaction finalized Sept. 13, Shannon Currier purchased the business for… Read more »

Business Highlight: Aroostook Driving School – Caribou

When Ryan Deprey and Todd Albert, well known teachers and coaches in the local school system, heard that one of the longstanding driving schools in Caribou was closing due to retirement, they saw an opportunity. The pair approached Josh Nadeau, Maine SBDC business advisor at Northern Maine Development Commission (NMDC), to take advantage of that… Read more »